Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I finally decided to make a blog that is more a place for me to vent, and share what I feel like. The name of the blog came from out of no where so don't ask what that's all 'bout.

But to start off with the first post I went to the dentist today(ouch!). Got two teeth filled on my lower jaw and it wasn't so bad while they were doing it, but afterwords...Let's just say my jaw still hurts and it's midnight.

First full day back from OH, and I'm was happy to get have a day where I didn't have to do any thing.

Tonight was my last group youth group meeting for the summer and I'm so bummed. We will still have youth group, but we will no longer do it all together at our leader's house. Sadly we have to split back up into our sepreate groups, and i will be back with the 9th gradas!(Go freshmans!) It's not that bad, but I will miss being a big group. Until next summer that is.

Tatta for now!

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